Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Oh my poor blog.....

HIPPIES FACE by mad4marvin
HIPPIES FACE, a photo by mad4marvin on Flickr.

I have been sooooo neglectful of my poor blog! I am sorry! A lot of changes have happened in my life and I am having a hard time finding time to post! One change that has occurred is that I have started a Masters program and it takes a lot of my time....at least this first class....I am not sure if ALL of these classes are going to be like this or if it is just this one! I have not been knitting a lot lately and I really miss it! To tell the truth I think I am a little burned out! I made ALL that baby stuff in the beginning of the year and did not take a break! I went straight into teaching myself how to use DPN's! And then into making socks!! In between, I made some toys but since then I have been kind of fizzled on my knitting.

I became a little nervous when the first three weeks rolled around and every time I picked up the needles I could not knit a stitch. Even the patterns on Ravelry.com became uninspiring...so I took to the Ravelry forums and whined! Several great knitters explained to me that I could just be experiencing a common problem: summer knitting blahs. I am hoping that is so and when the weather starts to become chillier my knitting will increase!

I will be posting pictures as soon as I am done with this post...they will each have their own page since I am still not sure how to make the pictures a part of my blog...

Once again, I promise to post more!!!

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